So, this last week wasn't the best writing week for me, but it was an awesome friends week. Sometimes treasure hunting, spontaneous road trips, and s'more surprise parties just have priority over writing. Sometimes. Anyway, here are the stats:
Monday: +202 words
Tuesday: No Writing
Wednesday: +132 words
Thursday: No Writing
Friday: No Writing
Saturday: +173 words
Sunday: +435 words
Total Word Count: 3584 words
Word Count for the Week: 942 words
So I didn't win Camp NaNoWriMo this time around. But that's okay. I've outlined a novel, finished chapter 1 and am 2/3 the way through chapter 2. I'm happy with what I've accomplished.
I also didn't accomplish the goals I set for the week. So I will keep them for this week.
1220 words this week.
Finish Chapter 2
Write at least 100 words per writing session
Write 6 days (at least) this week.
Monday: +202 words
Tuesday: No Writing
Wednesday: +132 words
Thursday: No Writing
Friday: No Writing
Saturday: +173 words
Sunday: +435 words
Total Word Count: 3584 words
Word Count for the Week: 942 words
So I didn't win Camp NaNoWriMo this time around. But that's okay. I've outlined a novel, finished chapter 1 and am 2/3 the way through chapter 2. I'm happy with what I've accomplished.
I also didn't accomplish the goals I set for the week. So I will keep them for this week.
1220 words this week.
Finish Chapter 2
Write at least 100 words per writing session
Write 6 days (at least) this week.
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