Happy Eclipse day Y'all!
In Southern Oregon where I am we got about 93% totality. Got to watch it with my SO and then have a nice breakfast date before we both had to head to work.
I know I've been absent for the last month, but I've been working really hard on my library career.
The children's librarian position is open at the library I work at, and as someone with my MLIS in Youth Services, you can bet that I'm gonna apply!
Though I am a published writer, it doesn't pay enough for me to quit my day job, so I have to make sure I have the day job of my dreams so I'm not too burnt out to write.
But, in the meantime, that means that I'm spending so much time prepping for the interview (and for my first time doing story time tomorrow!) that I haven't been writing like I should.
Also, I'm not sure it's because of the eclipse, or because I'm prepping for a (hopefully) career change, but I'm tweaking some writing priorities.
I need to go back to short stories. I need to get back "out there" and try to shorten some gaps in my publishing resume. Widen my reader base. Gain an audience that will WANT me to write an epic 2 or 3 Part novel. Because while I'm loving my main project it's gonna mean nothing if I don't have an audience that wants it.
Part of me setting it aside is also time. I'm a writer with a day job. And right now, I'm a writer with a slightly unpredictable day job. Hopefully I will soon be a writer with a predictable day job but that will also mean that I'd be working 40 hours. Which doesn't leave a ton of time to write (if I want to also have a social life and be a good partner) so at this time in my life writing short stories and working on a serial is probably best for me.
I know I can make progress in short stories and my serial with "stolen time". I can write those things in 15 minute break chunks or hour lunch times. My big project: not so much.
But. I DO need to be held accountable. Ask me what short story I'm working on this month and after I've interviewed for the children's librarian position then start asking me again if I've written that day. I HAVE been prepping for the interview hard. So yes I'm going to use it as an excuse. But, after the interview it's no longer in my hands. So I'll need the writing to distract me.
Anyway. That's my update.
In Southern Oregon where I am we got about 93% totality. Got to watch it with my SO and then have a nice breakfast date before we both had to head to work.
I know I've been absent for the last month, but I've been working really hard on my library career.
The children's librarian position is open at the library I work at, and as someone with my MLIS in Youth Services, you can bet that I'm gonna apply!
Though I am a published writer, it doesn't pay enough for me to quit my day job, so I have to make sure I have the day job of my dreams so I'm not too burnt out to write.
But, in the meantime, that means that I'm spending so much time prepping for the interview (and for my first time doing story time tomorrow!) that I haven't been writing like I should.
I'm using prepping for the interview of my life as an excuse. But that can't last forever. I'll elaborate later.
I'm focusing on my serial project and short stories instead of my big project. I know, even after I created such beautiful vision boards! I love my big project and I'm not shoving it in a drawer, I'm just placing it on a table and admiring it until the right time.
I need to go back to short stories. I need to get back "out there" and try to shorten some gaps in my publishing resume. Widen my reader base. Gain an audience that will WANT me to write an epic 2 or 3 Part novel. Because while I'm loving my main project it's gonna mean nothing if I don't have an audience that wants it.
Part of me setting it aside is also time. I'm a writer with a day job. And right now, I'm a writer with a slightly unpredictable day job. Hopefully I will soon be a writer with a predictable day job but that will also mean that I'd be working 40 hours. Which doesn't leave a ton of time to write (if I want to also have a social life and be a good partner) so at this time in my life writing short stories and working on a serial is probably best for me.
And eventually when I either get a demanding readership or am comfortable enough in my career that it isn't going to hurt me to take a sabbatical or an extended vacation to really focus on my big novel, I will do so.
I know I can make progress in short stories and my serial with "stolen time". I can write those things in 15 minute break chunks or hour lunch times. My big project: not so much.
PLUS! That will hopefully allow for me to share more writing updates and tidbits with you! After all, I do intend to put my serial online for free to readers (with some perks for eventual patreon supporters), and publishing short stories is a faster process, giving me opportunity to share my writing with you all also in a different way.
But. I DO need to be held accountable. Ask me what short story I'm working on this month and after I've interviewed for the children's librarian position then start asking me again if I've written that day. I HAVE been prepping for the interview hard. So yes I'm going to use it as an excuse. But, after the interview it's no longer in my hands. So I'll need the writing to distract me.
Right now, in interview prepping time, my goal is to finish this short story that I've been working on for way too long.
Anyway. That's my update.

Memento Mori.
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