I don't have any writing stats for this past week because...well...I didn't write.
Here are the quick excuses: I devoted a lot of time to working out, picked up extra hours at my library job, and finished 2 books.
But the real excuse: I felt burnt out.
Some of you who know me, know I've attempted to write books, and tend to get burnt out in chapter 2, and give up only to start another project and do the same thing again. This is why this project has gotten me so excited, because I've made it almost to the end of Act 1, and until this week I had no plans on giving up. But coming back from my break for my wrist, the words just weren't flowing.
And I was terrified. I was thinking I was gonna burn out and give up...again. As I sat down to try to write I kept thinking "this isn't scary enough" "my characters aren't deep enough" or the usual "are people even going to like this??"
But instead of giving up, I just decided to take a break and not even think about my story. I read, and worked out, and visited with friends, crashed a late night college event, worked extra hours, and started making plans on how best to reorganize my office now that it will be a full-time writing and creating place. I also started writing a flash fiction piece for Freaky Flash Fiction Friday which will be happening here on my blog during October.
And you know what happened?
I started getting ideas. I started putting pieces together and am revamped. So this week will be better. I'm back to writing and am in love with my project again. I don't think that this will be the only time that I just won't "feel it" but I think that filling my life with other creative endeavors and activities that the ideas will flow.
Anyway. Stay tuned for a horror post this Thursday, and I promise promise promise a stats post next Monday.
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