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Quickie Filler Post

Today's post is gonna be a short one guys. I am not feeling 100% but I am still determined to get SOMETHING out there...even if it is short and sweet, and late.

So I just recently celebrated my 30th birthday.  I am no longer in my 20s! This of course means that I am full on heading into "adulthood".  Now, I don't really know what that means.  There are some adulty things that I'm good at, and have been good at, since my early 20s (doing taxes, paying bills mostly on time, not going completely and utterly broke), and there are still some things that I don't think I'll ever get the hang of (like doing the laundry on time, or what I should be doing to prepare for my retirement). 

Being an adult means something different to everyone.  For some it means settling down, having a family, and for others it means not getting drunk on a Tuesday.

So for my birthday I was gifted this book:

If you aren't familiar with Sarah Andersen's work, I highly suggest that you get familiar with her work.  She does a great job of conveying what "real adulthood" looks like to the regular person.  So whether you feel you are just entering adulthood, or if you've been there a while, this book is for you.

It is a super quick read. I read it in a couple days just because I wanted to savor it. My SO read it in one sitting.

Get this book.  Support artists.  Be an adult.

Until next time,

Memento Mori


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