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Showing posts from March, 2018

The blog is moving!

So in an effort to streamline my writer persona I’m moving my blog to my website. This will happen next Saturday with the first blog in the new space. For me, acting like a professional writer is almost as important as actually writing. This means having a wedsite, some social media presence, and keeping things streamlined and tidy. Link next week. I think it will be awesome. Posts will be saturdays and more writing/creative process/horror focused. Until next time, B. Strong &;
Hello hello! I'm trying to figure out a blog schedule that will work best.  Tuesdays and Thursdays don't seem to be good ones for me most of the time. I might just go with once a week on Saturday's until my schedule clears up a little. Expect some more book reviews, and some specific writing updates coming up. Camp NaNoWriMo is next month! I'm preparing by participating in the #Instawrimo project on Instagram. Filling up my "creative backpack" in preparation for Camp NaNoWriMo. You can follow the tag, or follow me @bgstrong and see what is in my creative backpack. More to come tomorrow. Until next time, B Strong &; PS new sign off! This one is less depressing, and more positive.