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Working that Writing Muscle

So its the last day of NaNoWriMo and while I am nowhere close to 50,000 words, I am proud to have written close to 4,500.


Well, I started working on my main project in July,  and I finished the first Act in October at AROUND 8,000 words.

I have written over half of what I wrote in 3 months, in just one. That's because I am working that writing muscle.

It isn't a surprise that writing everyday is the best thing to do if you want to be a writer. But as someone with 2 jobs and somewhat of a social life, that can be hard. So I try to write as often as I can.  I used the fun frantic energy of NaNoWriMo to test myself, and to see if I could still squeeze writing in at any possible moment I could even if that meant just taking 5 minutes to write 50 words as opposed to sitting down for an hour and seeing how much I could write.

And it helped!

I find that I am getting better at getting focused faster, words come a little better, and my writing chunks are getting a little bit bigger as well.

Speaking of, I read an AWESOME article on "chunking" that I will delve a little deeper into next week.

Anyway, just a quick update from me today. I start editing Act 1 of my main project in December (TOMORROW!) and will be working on some shorts stories too.

Until next time!


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