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The Real Horror

I'm scheduled to write a blog post today on the literary history of the horror genre, but I just can't focus.

My country elected a monster.  Someone who is a bully, and ran his entire campaign on hate speech and fear mongering.

I based the villain in my novel on him.  And now he is our President.  And I want so much to scrap my project because I write fiction. Not Nonfiction.

I haven't slept. I've barely eaten. I've almost thrown up. I've cried. A lot.  And what makes it worse is that half of my family, maybe even more, voted for him.

I've always been politically divided from my family.  But most of the time during election season we just agree to not talk politics, and we continue to be a loving happy family. Because most of the time its policy that we disagree on.  And that's okay.  That's what makes us human.  I don't want people to agree with me all the time. I don't want to live in an echo chamber.

But not this time.  This time its personal.  This time, I blocked family on Facebook.  I argued.  I am having a hard time separating them from their vote, because the man they voted for doesn't give a shit about me.  Or POC, or Latinx people, or LGBTQ people, or people with disabilities.  They say he cares about working middle class, but what the hell does he know about them? Has he worked 60 hours at a job that he hates to support his family? Because that's the life I grew up in, and we sure as hell didn't have his beliefs.  We would never associate ourselves with people who yell "Hang the N***ger" and get cheers.  But our new president does.

I will never understand.  And I don't know if I can ever forgive. I hope so.  I hope this anger goes away.  Because I miss my loving happy family.

How did we go from the first African American President to one who was endorsed by the KKK?

How. On. Earth. Did. This. Happen?

I don't know when I'll post again, to be honest.

Until next time, stay well.


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