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Stats For October 3-16

So I really liked the last stats post where it felt more like a chat rather than just a list of numbers, so that may be how I do it from now on.

I wrote 778 words over the course of the last 2 weeks, which isn't a tremendous amount, but I was also on vacation during one of those weeks and didn't do any writing (though I had hoped to). This brings my total project word count to 8,996.

But I did finish chapter 5 and started chapter 6 which is awesome.  I'm still working towards the goal of finishing Act 1 by the end of the month.  I know the editing process is going to be a long one, but studying the genre, and also writing those little flash horror stories have helped me to get my voice back a little bit.  I think I mentioned it in the last post, but I had been struggling with that a little bit during this book.  Not sure if its the length, or the fact that its my first dystopia, or what it was, but the tone and overall voice of this first Act is...messy.  But that's for future me to worry about ;)

I am pleased though with the my progress overall, this is the most I've written in a novel before, and that's pretty cool.  I'm also getting into the juicy parts.  I want to finish chapter 6 this week because I know Chapter 7 is going to be a long and important one.  If I can finish that pretty quickly, then I'll still be in good shape to finish by Halloween. Chapter 8 is outlined to be a pretty short one. 

And hopefully, since I am getting back into my routine of spiritual growth, exercise, and creative (non-writing) endeavors (like playing the cello again which is not something I thought I would get back into, no matter how much I missed it), the words should flow a little better. 

There will be another flash fiction story this Friday, and it may be something that I do a few times a year, we'll see. 


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