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Writing Stats for September 5 - 11

Can I just post a picture of a lemon for this week?  That's how I feel this week went.

Anyway, here are the numbers:

Monday: No words

Tuesday: +180 word

Wednesday: No Words

Thursday: No words

Friday: No Words

Saturday: +145 words

Sunday +427 words

Total words written this week: 752

Total project word count: 7454

So why no writing?  CARPAL TUNNEL.

I honestly didn't write on Monday or Wednesday due to just not making time, but I woke up Thursday morning and I couldn't move, or put any weight on, or hold anything with my right hand.  It was feeling better on Saturday and Sunday, but I think I overworked it.  Today, typing this, I am in some pretty terrible pain.

I am not going to make any goals for the week.  If my wrist is up to the task of writing, I'll write.  But I think I'll make the goal for the week to catch up on some much needed reading.  I'm a firm believer that if you want to write a lot, you need to read a lot, and I've been slacking a little on the reading thing.

Also, I'm planning some horror writing related posts for the future (just in time for Halloween) so stay tuned.


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