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Writing Stats for August 15-21

This week was another good week! Here are the stats:

Monday: +104 words (started Chapter 3)

Tuesday: +138 words

Wednesday: +171 words

Thursday: No Writing

Friday: +125 words

Saturday: +131 words

Sunday: +317 words

Total Words Written This Week: 986 words

Total Project Wordcount: 6070

This was a good week!  I got through chapter 2 which is kind of sluggish, which is something that future Brystan has to worry about.

I started Chapter 3, which is gonna be a good one, but one that will push my writing skills.  I am NOT a speech writer, however, one of my characters has to give a very powerful speech.  I wrote the speech, but looking back, it is pretty sparse.  It's just the skeleton of what I want it to be.  But, once Act I is done (which according to my outline is the first 8 chapters) then I start edits, so I am looking forward to fleshing that out and adding the meat to the bones.

Anyway.  New goals for this coming week.

Write 6 days.

100 words each session.

1000 words for the week.


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