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Writing for Work and Working to Write

I have 2 jobs.  Neither of which are writing.

This isn't a "woe is me" post.  I'm a hard worker, I have bills to pay (and more bills to pay soon) and right now, one job just isn't cutting it.

Someday one job will be enough.

And who knows, maybe someday that job will be writing.

In the meantime, I work 2 jobs.

But I'm still a writer, and its still work.  I've talked a lot about scheduling writing.  I'm getting better at that. I've started scheduling out hour chunks throughout the day.  Treating it like a job or an appointment.

So far its working better than just saying "yeah, I'll write today."

The next step is to utilize every extra minute, aside from my scheduled hour.  At each job, we are allotted 15 minute breaks.  I can use that time to jot down some notes. God knows that I've been thinking of my story all day, surely there is a detail or a sentence or something I can write down during that time.

I also most days get a lunch.  It's a 30 minute lunch, which isn't a tremendous amount of time, but again, time enough to write some notes.

On Tuesdays, I work both jobs, and I have an hour between when one job is over and the next one begins, I can write during that time.  Even just a paragraph. But something.

I also need to be better about having my writing stuff with me.  It doesn't fit so nicely in my purse, but I have it all together in a nice tote bag that I could keep in my car when I'm out and about.

30 minute wait for a haircut? Write.

Waiting to get a table at a restaurant? Write.

Waiting to go into an appointment? Write.

It's these little moments that seem insignificant, but can be crucial to getting a project done.  

So just like I promised I would start scheduling out my writing time, (and I really need to get to it, because it starts in 15 minutes), I will start using every second.  If I have time to repeatedly switch between facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, and snapchat....and then start again, I have time to write some notes. Be creative.


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