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Discipline and Routine

So in the chapter I'm on in 'Writer with a Day Job' the author states that there are 2 things that separate "real" writers from "wannabe" writers: Desire and Discipline.

I have a lot of desire to write. In fact when I think about it, there is nothing I want more than to write. It's the second thing, discipline that I have a problem with.

I would imagine this being the case for a lot of writers who have a job other than writing. You work an 8 hour're tired when you get home...the last thing you have energy to do is write. Me, I want to write so bad but sitting on my couch watching Bobs Burgers sounds so much better.

I think that's why I write better at work. Either during downtime or a break. I'm already in the 'work' mindset so writing comes easily for me.

What I need to get better at is being that productive on my job days off or after my workday is over.

The trick is to schedule it like a workday. Right now my schedule is "try to write everyday". I need to be more specific. I need to set a date with myself everyday.

I'm writing that here so you all can keep me accountable. In on vacation next week and plan on attempting to stick to my "write everyday" schedule because that will be hard enough. But once I get back, I'm going to take a long look at my weekly schedule and see when I can fit writing in, and I'm going to schedule it. I am going to put it into my calendar and treat it like a job.

A very part-time non paying job...but you gotta start somewhere, right?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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