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Writer goals and a schedule.

Hello Readers!

So I am officially done with school, which has me thinking a lot about my life as a writer.  I don't have school work or anything to deal with, and though I will be picking up more hours at work eventually (that's the goal, right? To work full time? That's what adults do?) writing is now my focus.  I am working on some writing goals and deadlines, but one of them is this blog!

I want to post as often as I can, so here is my schedule:

Monday: A Quick Writing Update.  This will be me just briefly discussing how many words I've written, what kind of editing I've done.  That kind of thing.

Friday:  Writing Blog.  This will be a longer post, discussing me as a writer, my method (do I even have one of those?) and other writing related things.

Sunday:  Faith Based Blog.  This blog is about my writing and my faith, because I believe they influence each other.  So Sunday's blog will be faith centered.

Part of the reason for me creating a schedule is so that I can keep myself accountable (and you can keep me accountable), but also so you know when you may or may not want to tune in.  Some of you may only be interested in the writing stuff, some of you might only be interested in the faith stuff, some of you (and you are my favorite) are interested in both! (Just kidding...everyone is my favorite).

So, now that school is over, and I'm working...I'm not a writer with a day job.  And thankfully for me, there is a book called just that.  I've heard mixed reviews about the book, but I'm giving it a shot.  The first chapter is all about setting deadlines and goals.  I'm still working on my writing goals.  But there is an activity in the first section of the book that allows you to set goals as a writer.  So I am going to post that here for today's blog post:

As a writer, I want to:
I want to inspire, scare (I write scary fiction), and impress my reader.

I want to be the kind of writer who:
Is relate-able.  Is known for her casual demeanor and yet as someone who fights for literacy and intellectual freedom.

When my readers read my work, I want them to:
Think. Enjoy a good story.  Look at something from a different perspective.

When my readers write to me, I want them to compliment my:
world building, and descriptions.

My writing goal or dream:
I want to traditionally print at least one YA novel, and I want to have a successful online YA novel. I also want to keep publishing short stories in a variety of journals and magazines.


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