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Even a "Writer with a Day Job" is still a Writer

One of the things I have an issue with is introducing myself as a writer.  When I have small talk, people tend to ask "What do you do?" And I would say "I'm a student" or "I work at the library" or "I work in a copy & print shop." But I would rarely say (and still rarely say) "I'm a writer."  

Why is that?

I've published 2 sets of poems.

I've published an essay.

I've had 4 soon to be 5 short stories published.

Won 2 writing contests.

And I've even self-published a book! Not to mention my BA in writing. I've done WAY more in the writing world than I have the library world and yet I am never shy about saying "I just finished library school." or "I'm working on becoming a librarian." Again I ask:

Why is that?

I think it has to do with worth and respect.  In introductions I jump to what gives me a paycheck, what pays the bills. That's what I "do".  And it is what I do.

What I "do" is check in and out books for patrons.  What I "do" is make copies for customers.

But who I am? At my core?

I am a WRITER.

My goal is to not be so timid in introducing myself as such.  

Now that school is over, the next step is dividing my time between what I need to do, and who I am as a writer.  Thankfully, I chose a job that will serve my writing. Being a librarian puts me around people who love reading. Around hundreds or thousands of books that could serve as inspiration.  Being a librarian is the best day job a writer could ever want.  My writing will help me to be better librarian and being a librarian will help me be a better writer.

I've worked in the library for a year and a half now, not as a librarian, and I've gone leaps and bounds in discovering who I am as a writer.  

There's an old saying that goes: "Write what you know."  And while most writers would advise to not take that so literally...I can't help but realize that there is a librarian character in both of my projects.  


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