Get ready folks, this is gonna be kind of a long one. Also, for those who only prefer to read about my writing and not so much my political and spiritual life, scroll down. I'll get there eventually. So I've been thinking a lot about water lately. My dreams have been full of it, I've been drinking a lot of it, and since it's January in Oregon, there's just a lot of it around. Water has a lot of symbolism. America's new President was sworn in earlier this week and as it was happening, it started to rain. Many people thought it was a sign from God. A positive thing. Of course the reason behind this wasn't something divine. It has to do with precipitation and clouds, I remember at least that much from public school science class (I also did an interpretive dance about the water cycle in Outdoor School when I was in 6th grade). But even so, the first thought I had was a divine one. I thought about John 11:35: "Jesus Wept." Counter th...
Scary Ramblings.