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The blog has moved!

You can see my blog posts every Saturday here I'll keep the old site up for a while to allow people to catch up. See you in the new place!
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The blog is moving!

So in an effort to streamline my writer persona I’m moving my blog to my website. This will happen next Saturday with the first blog in the new space. For me, acting like a professional writer is almost as important as actually writing. This means having a wedsite, some social media presence, and keeping things streamlined and tidy. Link next week. I think it will be awesome. Posts will be saturdays and more writing/creative process/horror focused. Until next time, B. Strong &;
Hello hello! I'm trying to figure out a blog schedule that will work best.  Tuesdays and Thursdays don't seem to be good ones for me most of the time. I might just go with once a week on Saturday's until my schedule clears up a little. Expect some more book reviews, and some specific writing updates coming up. Camp NaNoWriMo is next month! I'm preparing by participating in the #Instawrimo project on Instagram. Filling up my "creative backpack" in preparation for Camp NaNoWriMo. You can follow the tag, or follow me @bgstrong and see what is in my creative backpack. More to come tomorrow. Until next time, B Strong &; PS new sign off! This one is less depressing, and more positive.

Book Review: The Face on the Milk Carton by Caroline B Cooney

So every once in a while I like to take a trip back in time and read something that I've read before. Sometimes its something that I read in High School and hated (mostly because I was an angsty kid and hated everything the teachers told me I had to read), but sometimes I go back and read something that I loved as a kid. This results in a few realizations: The first is that I didn't have great taste as a tween. The second though, is that through the simple storytelling, the middle school feelings, and the #deep lessons of the story, they aren't really all that bad. It's fun to look at them through the lens of an adult. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The premise of the story is that while she is drinking milk during lunch, Janie comes to the realization that it is her face that is on the milk carton. That she was in fact, kidnapped. I can tell why I wanted to read this as a kid. This was probably the gateway drug into my true crime obsession, even th...

Updates: What I'm writing, and what I'm reading.

Hey all! This week has been a little bumpy for me in regards to blogging. I'm working on my first grant! I have to submit it ASAP so I've been devoting all of my brain power on it. So, I'm gonna use this post as a quick update. I've been editing works on Scribophile . And soon I'll be posting flash fiction there to see if any of them can grow into short stories. I finished a short story! Currently looking for places to submit it. I am also writing/editing another short story. I'm 700+ words into my novel :) I'm also reading a couple of things: & Check me out on goodreads to stay updated on what I'm reading! Anyway, that's all for now.  I'm working hard, but in a frenzy.  Regular posts should resume next week. Until next time, Memento Mori &;

Book Review: The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne

Okay there are so many places I want to take this post, and I'm not sure where I want to start, so I'll just start with cover art and a quick summary of the book: This story focuses on the adventures of 5 Americans on an uncharted island.  It starts during the American Civil War, where 5 northern prisoners of war decide to escape by hijacking an air balloon. After flying through a storm for several days, they finally land on some unknown island. They name it "Lincoln Island" as tribute to their president, Abraham Lincoln. The five are able to sustain themselves on the island, producing fire, pottery, bricks, nitroglycerin (!), iron, an electric telegraph (!) a cliff side home, and even a seaworthy ship. Throughout their time on the island, there seems to be a deus ex machina at work, delivering chests of goods and rescuing them when in danger. Eventually, they find out the secret of the island and the gifts. Captain Nemo.  Yes, that Captain Nemo from 20,000...

Quickie Filler Post

Today's post is gonna be a short one guys. I am not feeling 100% but I am still determined to get SOMETHING out there...even if it is short and sweet, and late. So I just recently celebrated my 30th birthday.  I am no longer in my 20s! This of course means that I am full on heading into "adulthood".  Now, I don't really know what that means.  There are some adulty things that I'm good at, and have been good at, since my early 20s (doing taxes, paying bills mostly on time, not going completely and utterly broke), and there are still some things that I don't think I'll ever get the hang of (like doing the laundry on time, or what I should be doing to prepare for my retirement).  Being an adult means something different to everyone.  For some it means settling down, having a family, and for others it means not getting drunk on a Tuesday. So for my birthday I was gifted this book: If you aren't familiar with Sarah Andersen's work , I highl...